Went out in Eric's boat with Eric and Elizabeth. (No -- I didnt just take Eric's boat and leave Eric behind!)
The day started off windy and choppy, but the wind calmed down and the day was fantastic. Clear, Blue, Warm. Just perfect!!!!
We started at South Arm, near the pidgeon holes, and drifted as we fished. Got a few little flathead, and then Eric got a reasonable Couta on a soft plastic that was at mid depths. Also managed some wrasse and gurnards. Elizabeth got something strong that jumped -- we suspect a salmon.
Eventually we motored to the iron pot and anchored, and Eric threw out the berley pot. A TON of fish suddely appeared at the back of the boat. They looked like some sort of mackerel. And underneath them were couta. I couldnt resist, and got out the fly outfit to try. And all of a sudden all the fish disappeared! It was like a switch had just turned them off. Eric surmises that something large had swum up for a look. I did get a bite off on a fly, but no hookups.
With no action, we went over to Blackmans bay, and got some more flathead and an octopus. Then in and home.
A fantastic day though -- just fantastic. And Elizabeth caught more fish than I did :)