It was the Tasmanian Ballroom Dance Competition. And while the rest of the faimily was involved, I got a free pass!!!!! The plan was to head to Arthurs or Toombs. On the morning I discovered i was supposed to act as transport for the family. And whats more -- Alex had lost his bow tie. So I had to hang around till openning time for the shops to buy ALex a new bow tie. Once the tie was sourced and dropped off, I headed North. It took almost 2 hours to get to Arthurs, so I didnt arrive till just before noon. The weather was warm and still in Hobart. It was blowing a gale at Arthurs. And the lake was down -- the cow paddock was a shallow ditch! Despite massivce rain that had filled lakes elsewhere -- I guess this means Arthurs had been really down!!!!
No fish at the cowpaddock, and the wind was so strong it was getting dangerous. Went to Jonah Bay campground and fished there -- the bay was sheltered from the wind and was relativly calm. No luck. Gave up and went to Penstock -- again found an area sheltered by trees. No luck. The lake was flooded with water up in the trees, but no movement in the trees either.
In summary -- didnt see a fish all day or get a touch.